Monday, April 28, 2014

Christchurch, I love Dom's family!

Paul picked me up, Dom’s dad.  It was so nice of him to take care of me.  Picking me up and giving me a place to stay.  I'd never even met him, but he was still willing to show me all that caring.  I was lucky that it was Waitangi Day (New Zeeland Day), so Paul didn’t have to work.  Also he could pick me up at that ungodly hour without making him tired for work.  We both got back to his house and passed out for a few hours.  I got Dom's old room.  It was super nice to be at his house.  It had the 70’s carpet, red velvet love seat and armchair, wicker table… It was all very nostalgic of my childhood and grandma’s house.  It made me feel at home.

After a bit of nap I got to skype mom and dad, and then Paul made me some stew on toast, exactly what I needed!  On Waitangi day many people have BBQs and parities but Paul’s plans were a big sleep and then coaching some of the neighborhood kids in track and field.  I was surprised at how good the kids were at track and field.  We also got a chance to run over to Patrick’s (Dominick’s brother) house and hangout for a bit.  It was nice to meet him and just chat.  He’s getting married soon, so we talked about that and the earthquake and meeting more of Dom’s friends.  

After that bit of social interaction we headed off to the grocery store.  Dom had given Paul strict instructions about me visiting, and this included me doing all the shopping.  So the house was devoid of all food.  There was bread in the freezer and some condiments in the fridge.  This was under instruction from Dominic as well.  He had to empty the fridge to make space for all my deliciousness.  I bought enough stuff to make three meals.  I was planning them out as soon as I discovered I had free range of the kitchen and the store.

Junior track and field practice was super easy.  The weather was a bit chilly in the shade, but in the sun it was perfect.  Paul was coaching 10 to 13 year olds that day, and they were cute as pie and good at what they were doing.  I just watched, enjoyed the fresh air and raked the sand pit.  I had a good time.

After hanging out with the kids, Paul dropped me off at home and left me to dinner while he went a visited a friend.  That night I made lasagna, with a spring salad, and French bread.  During the week I also made balsamic ginger chicken, with roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy for Sunday dinner and the last night I was there I made stuffed bell peppers, eggplant parmesan, risotto, and pasta with homemade sauce.  I loved having a kitchen again.  I hadn’t really cooked since Spain.  It was so nice, and thanks to Dominic and Paul I had plenty of spices to work with.

I didn’t have much time in Christchurch.  I had impulsively bought a ticket back to Indonesia to visit a friend.  I thought I wasn’t going to waste any time but on Friday it rained.  So I just relaxed.  I hadn’t had a just chill out and relax day in a while.  On Saturday I had more luck, It was sunny.  So I walked around the neighborhood, found a beautiful little stream that ran through Dominic’s neighborhood.  After that Dom’s dad offered to bring me over to the RE:Start Mall. 

 I heard this mall was supposed to be very interesting.  It’s made out of shipping containers, all of it.  I’ve never seen something so interesting, and fun in design.  On top of that, where the mall is located is where the earthquake hit the hardest.  So the whole surrounding area is in shambles.  Buildings are cracked and falling apart, the roads are constantly being repaired.  It’s a stark contrast.  The mall was made after Christchurch’s big earthquake because the locals had no place to shop.  Here’s an execerp from the website

Re:START was made possible with an interest free loan of $3,368,523 from the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust and $300,000 sponsorship from ASB.

While containers for all sorts of purposes are commonplace now in Christchurch, the idea was a bit of a wildcard when the idea of Re:START was first conceived. Their use meant that retail was established in the CBD several years before it would have otherwise taken place. It happened because the authorities allowed the Re:START Trust to use part of the red zone (no go) area. Its success has demonstrated that retail can be re-established in the CBD, which has had 80% of its area demolished.
I caught the bus back to Paul’s and chilled out until we had dinner at Patrick and Anna’s.  I met Anna for the second time.  It was a bit weird because I barely remember meeting them in Jeju, probably because we only met in passing in the hall.  Dinner was lovely and so was the company.  I really enjoy Dom’s family, they made me feel so comfortable.
On Sunday Dom’s dad was working the craft fair for the scrabble club.  I love craft fairs, so I tagged along and helped watched the table and shopped around a little.  It reminded me of small town America.  Craft fairs, the boy scouts even were raising money for camping.  I had some food and bought a wedding card for my cousin.  The rest of my time in Christchurch was spend packing, and doing errands, then I was off to Indonesia again.

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